Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Interviews by Damian and Martin

Here are the answers to the interviews conducted by Damian and Martin.

1. What do you think about the food in Immersion Camp?

2. What do you think about the acitivites of the Immersion Camp?

3. What do you think about Mike?

4. What do you think about the cheating of team Blue-Red today?

5. What do you think about Emma's singing abilities? And about Emiliano's ability to sing?

6. What do you think about Viqui's fear of feet?

7. What is you opinion of the crow laughing behind us last night?

8. How many times do you go to the bathroom to do 'poo'?

9. Do you think that Mike is a good dancer?

10. What do you think of Argentina's economic situation?

11. Have you ever fart in public?

12. Do you think Emiliano has to wash his hair 3 times in a day to keep it good looking and shiny?

13. Do you like pink?

14. What would you do if a person of your same sex kiss you? Why?

15. Do you like blonds? Why?

16. Do you think that you're pretty?

17. Which is better, 'Stairway to Heaven' or 'Highway to Hell'?

18. Do you think the real Justin Bieber is homosexual?


1. It was really good.

2. They are excellent.

3. Is a bit crazy but he is very good.

4. They are like animals. They are bad.

5. She sings really good. He's so funny!

6. It's ridiculous.

7. It was very strange.

8. - - -

9. A bit.

10. It's bad.

11. No.

12. He doesn't have!

13. Yes...

14. I would try to get her away. I am not lesbian!

15. Not too much.

16. No.

17. Stairway to Heaven

18. No, I don't think so.

'Tom Cruise' Brian

1. It's good.

2. The were interesting.

3. He's crazy, but we have fun with him.

4. We didn't cheat (LIE!!!)

5. She has a beautiful voice. He sings terribly.

6. It's a stupid act.

7. I didn't hear.

8. No one.

9. 50/50

10. If the charter of the bank are in charge, we're bad.

11. No, never.

12. No.

13. No.

14. If it's in the face he is probably gay.

15. Yes... because.

16. No.

17. Stairway to Heaven

18. Obviously

Marcos and Agustin

1. Delicious. Amazing.

2. Very good.

3. He's a genius. He's hilarious.

4. Funny.

5. She's like Janis Joplin. He's like Robert Plan.

6. Stupid.

7. It was uncomfortable.

8. Agustin: 4. Marcos: 3.

9. Yes...

10. It's cool.

11. NO!

12. No.

13. Yes

14. ...

15. Marcos: I prefer Brunette.
Agustin: Because Balena is black haired...

16. Yeah! Too 'facha'

17. Stairway to heaven.

18. Yes and Damian too.

Bryan (The Counselor)

1. The food is spectacular.

2. Second to none. They are great.

3. He's jealous of my beard.

4. I think that if we have been in medival times, their heads would be in front of the house.

5. She sings like an angel.

6. It's weird.

7. Who is that? I didn't hear anything.

8. Once every evening.

9. Not at all.

10. ...What? That's a very good question. I think it's very complicated.

11. Yeah. In someones chest one time!!!

12. He has no hair.

13. I love pink!

14. I wouldn't kiss him on the face.

15. Yeah. I like the colors of their hair.

16. Yes... I'm very pretty.

17 Stairway to Heaven

18. No doubt about it!

Interviews by Emiliano and Viqui

These interviews were all done by Emiliano and Viqui about the camp at La Nancy.


1. What character of Robin Hood's story would you like to be?

2. What's your opinion about the food of the camp?

3. Which is your favorite sport?

4. Do you hate Mike?

5. Are you enjoying the camp?

6. Do you like Justin Bieber?

7. Do you prefer winter's days or summer's days?

8. How many times do you go to the bathroom to do 2?

9. Did you want to push someone into the campfire last night?

10. Do you believe in love at first sight?

11. Do you like bananas?

12. What's your relationship status on facebook?

Rochi, Mays, Silvi, Martina

1. Friar Tuck

2. Excellent

3. Jockey, Swimming, Handball, Tennis

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

7. Winter's day (but Martina prefers summer)


9. Yes and No

10. Yes

11. Not too much.

12. Single


1. Little John.

2. Good

3. Basketball

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

7. Summers Day!

8. Two

9 Yes.

10. No

11. Yes

12. Single


1. Little John

2. Very Good.

3. Basketball

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

7. Summer's days

8. One

9. Yes, Brian

10. No

11. Yes

12. Nothing


1. Lady Marian

2. Very good.

3. Swimming

4. YES!

5. Yes.

6. No!

7. Winter's days.

8. One

9. Yes

10. No

11. No

12. Single

Azul, Martina, Estefania

1. Lady Marian

2. Very Good

3. Blue - Tennis, Martina - Tennis, Estefi - Handball

4. No

5. Yes

6. No

7. Summer's Days

8. No one.

9. Yes, no name.

10. Yes

11. Yes

12. Blue - Single, Martina - Widow, Estefi - Marry

And the results...

What character of the Robin Hood story do you want to be?

Lady Marian - 8
Little John - 2

Do you like the food at the camp?

Excellent - 1
Very Good - 5
Good - 1

Favorite sports?

Basketball - 2
Swimming - 4
Jockey - 1
Tennis - 3
Handball - 1

Do you hate Mike?

No - 9
Yes - 1

Are you enjoying the camp?

Yes - 10
No - 0

Do you like Justin Bieber?

Yes - 0
No - 10